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    Stanley Morgan plays the Plainclothesman (although in the final scene he is referred to as "Stanley"!)

    Also stars Leslie "Naked Gun" Nielsen, Alizia Gur, Dorinda Stevens, Eric Pohlman & Edina Ronay

    Average espionage thriller starring Nielsen as a former OSS agent who agrees to help Gur get some important tapes to Paris as a favor to old friend Latimer. When Latimer is killed, Nielsen realizes that the tapes contain important defense information, and he spends the rest of the film trying to stay one step ahead of the rival agents. Eventually he learns that Gur is actually working for the other side, but he is able to defeat her and turn her and the tapes over to the authorities. Nice scenery doesn't help much. Songs include "Night Train to Paris," "Chit Chat," "Look After My Baby," "Hey There Girl" (Brian Potter, Graham Dee--sung by Troy Dante and the Infernos).

Night Train Poster Night Train Spanish Poster Night Train Poster Night Train Production Still

Night Train Production Still

Night Train Production Still

Stan in Night Train To Paris 1
Stan in Night Train To Paris 3
Stan in Night Train To Paris 4
Stan in Night Train To Paris 5
Stan in Night Train To Paris 6
Stan in Night Train To Paris 6
Stan Credits from Night Train To Paris 9